Naomi Frauenfelder
About Naomi
Naomi brings a wealth of experience to her role as Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds’ inaugural Chief Executive Officer. Naomi was previously Executive Director of the TrackSAFE Foundation – an Australian rail industry not-for-profit that addresses suicide on the rail network, and the resultant trauma caused to train drivers and other frontline staff. It is this experience that Naomi draws upon and applies to HHTS, to strengthen and grow the organisation, and work to improve mental health in the trucking and logistics industry. Naomi has spent her career to date honing her passion for working nationally to unite industries behind significant causes such as mental health, providing individuals and organisations with the resources they need to face challenges head-on, creating cultures of care and support. Naomi holds a Bachelor and Masters from Monash University, and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Panel | Managing team wellbeing within an industry evolving with automation and AI. How to build resilience, understanding and adaptability.