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What is the greatest pressure manufacturers are facing today?

Hear from Industry Experts

Jens Goennemann, Managing Director, Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre Ltd (AMGC), PhD (Econ), BA (Business), FAICD / Non-independent

One of the greatest pressures facing manufacturers today is the pace of change – be it cost, materials or processes, which is rapid. Staying across the latest insights, technologies and developments – such as those offered at Industrial Transformation 2025 – is a first step to ensuring you are not left behind in a rapidly advancing industry.

Christian Ruberg, Board member, Robotics Group Australia

There is demographic evidence that a high proportion of current skilled labour will retire within the next decade. AI to capture experience, and intelligent cobotics may offer some realistic solutions to address this challenge.


Veena Sahajwalla, Director of SMaRT Centre (Sustainable Materials Research & Technology) and Associate Dean (Strategic Industry Relations) faculty of Science, UNSW

Manufacturers face an innovation challenge and pressures around supply chains. We need industry to partner with researchers to better develop systems and processes to compete both locally and on a global scale. We don’t have to have large sale, centralised manufacturing. Small, modular, and laterally integrated models that are scalable will enable operators to be more competitive and be able to replicate those operations at locations where the resources are located. A great untapped resource reservoir is waste. There are so many valuable materials being thrown away but by recovering these materials for remanufacturing is a clear solution


Sam White, Co-chair, IoTAA Manufacturing Workstream & Kamal Salwan Sub-workstream lead, IoTAA Manufacturing Workstream

  • Cost of energy
  • Availability of skilled labour
  • Consistency of order book
  • Reliable supply chains
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